In this era of personalized attention, cars are becoming more personalized, many owners will be to transform the car. But many owners in the body modification is not on its way into the errors. In this case,
Misunderstanding 1: blindly install the tail, tail the bigger the better
Not all models are suitable for the installation of tail. As to enhance the stability of the components of the body, the speed of large displacement models are more suitable for the installation of tail, and small-displacement models to install tail only just had "eye addiction" only.
As many owners choose the aluminum-magnesium alloy tail, resulting in increased overall body weight; and high prominent tail increased vehicle resistance, resulting in increased vehicle fuel consumption. Therefore, the owners in the installation of tail while at the same time, do not cut for the beautiful, blind installation or installation of large tail.
Myth: free to increase the wheel
Modified wheel is not "change a steel ring" as simple as that. Properly modified wheels can not only increase the vehicle's glamorous index, but also to enhance vehicle performance; the other hand, is counterproductive.
With the use of large wheels wide flat tire, can effectively reduce the vehicle's lateral swing, so that the handling and stability of the vehicle to further improve. Therefore, many owners will choose the largest possible hub. However, it should be noted that the tires more flat shock absorption performance, driving comfort will be greatly reduced. In addition, when replacing the tire with the wheel, generally do not change the total diameter of the original tire with more than 3 cm of the tire, otherwise it will increase fuel consumption, resulting in accelerated weakness, even in the direction of playing will rub the wheel arch inner edge, leading to tires Of the abnormal wear and misalignment.